Configure call provider

This feature is only available to organization owners and administrators.

By default, Zulip integrates with Jitsi Meet, a fully-encrypted, 100% open source video conferencing solution. Organization administrators can also change the organization's call provider. The call providers supported by Zulip are:

You can disable the video and voice call buttons for your organization by setting the call provider to "None".

Configure your organization's call provider

  1. Go to Organization settings.

  2. Under Compose settings, select the desired provider from the Call provider dropdown.

  3. Click Save changes.

Use a self-hosted instance of Jitsi Meet

Zulip uses the cloud version of Jitsi Meet as its default call provider. You can also use a self-hosted instance of Jitsi Meet.

  1. Go to Organization settings.

  2. Under Compose settings, select Custom URL from the Jitsi server URL dropdown.

  3. Enter the URL of your self-hosted Jitsi Meet server.

  4. Click Save changes.